I want to reduce the file size of some gpx files with gdal ogr2ogr.

When I use simplify like the following command in Mac Terminal the file size does not really shrink:

ogr2ogr -simplify 0.00001 output.gpx input.gpx

And when I do the following it gives me an error permission denied:

input.gpx do ogr2ogr -simplify 0.00001

1 Answer 1


I have now done it with GPSBabel

  • For one file:

gpsbabel -w -r -t -i gpx -f /Users/user/Downloads/gpx-files1/file.gpx -x simplify,count=100 -o gpx -F /Users/aronsommer/Downloads/gpx-files2/file.gpx

  • For multiple files:

for f in /Users/user/Downloads/gpx-files1/*.gpx; do /Applications/GPSBabelFE.app/Contents/MacOS/gpsbabel -w -r -t -i gpx -f $f -x simplify,count=100 -o gpx -F $f; done

  • If command not found: gpsbabel

Use /Applications/GPSBabelFE.app/Contents/MacOS/gpsbabel

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