Whenever I create a new layer out of selected features on QGIS, several files are created and saved on my machine. These files have the following extensions: .cpg, .dbf, .prj, .qmd, .shp and .shx.
Is there a name for these files? How can they be used in a different project (if I, at some point, want to include the same layer) and what is the best way to manage them, since it easily becomes a large amount?
I create the new layer by right clicking on the layer with the selected features > Export > Save Selected Features As.
(normally it is the one with the largest file size). The other files can be (inofficially?) named "sidecar" files. At least some of them are necessary for the Shapefile to work properly. See also here: gis.stackexchange.com/a/414868/88814