I am trying to create a legend for properties that are identified on the map with numbers. I'd like the legend symbol to be a yellow circle with the property number inside, with the name of the property to the right of the numbered circle. The properties should be listed in ascending numerical order. I am using ArcMap 10.8.2 (Desktop).
I've created a point layer for the symbols, and for symbology I selected Unique Values and [NAME] for value field. Within the Table of Contents, I changed each individual symbol to a yellow circle.
I selected IDNumber for the feature label. This results in numbered circles in the appropriate locations on the map itself. However, when I try to create a legend for it with the property names as described in the previous paragraph, each property in the list is preceded by a blank symbol, and the properties are in alphabetical order instead of numeric order.
A sample map is attached showing the legend with blank yellow circles.
I tried editing the symbol itself to include text by adding a layer but cannot add more than a single digit (I cannot find any fonts that include numbers greater than 9). The text in other symbols in Symbol Selector cannot be edited.
I looked at the answer/solution posted by Felix P./PolyGeo. Why are field calculations and data frames used for the solution? I am not very experienced here, and as of now, I do not understand the solution proposed.
My last resort is to create symbols with text inside of them in another application, create a text box with the desired information, and add it to the layout, but hope there is a solution within ArcMap!