I'm trying to generate a static image of a map for use when the user's device is offline. I request the static image with a bounding box (that is calculated automatically to fit all my features in) and the maximum resolution in the aspect ratio of the bounding box.
I then load the static image into the map when they are offline, but it doesn't line up to original map tiles behind it.
// Extend bounds by 1 mile
const extendedBounds = bbox(
buffer(bboxPolygon(bbox(parcelGeoJson)), 0.1, {
units: 'miles'
// Get north west, north east, south east, south west coordinates from bounding box
const northWest = [extendedBounds[0], extendedBounds[3]]
const northEast = [extendedBounds[2], extendedBounds[3]]
const southEast = [extendedBounds[2], extendedBounds[1]]
const southWest = [extendedBounds[0], extendedBounds[1]]
const cornerCoordinates = [northWest, northEast, southEast, southWest]
// Get aspect ratio from bounding box
const aspectRatio = (extendedBounds[2] - extendedBounds[0]) / (extendedBounds[3] - extendedBounds[1])
const height = Math.round(1280 / aspectRatio)
let mapboxUrl = new URL(
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: []
Extracted FE code below
map.addSource('offline-satellite', {
type: 'image',
url: offlineSatelliteImage.imageBase64,
coordinates: offlineSatelliteImage.cornerCoordinates
id: 'offline-satellite-layer',
type: 'raster',
source: 'offline-satellite'
Image below shows static image overlayed on Mapbox's normal tiles. They should be overlapping!
(left side = static image, right side = tiles)
Here is a gif showing the issue. The blue markers denote the bounding box the image was generated from: https://p193.p3.n0.cdn.getcloudapp.com/items/geuPEmRo/8e4fd233-bd87-4619-a2ba-b1ea1667e15e.gif?v=ac6b83644a5f6a8cc456916e4f4e66c9
It's almost like the bounding box corners don't line up with the generated static image. Where am I going wrong?