I need to convert between WGS84, SK42, and ED50 geodetic reference datums in either a UTM or MGRS coordinate system given GPS coordinates I've been using pyproj for the conversion by finding the EPSG value, and using a Transformer to transform between the coordinate systems. The transform function has xx, yy, and zz parameters, but only xx and yy get changed and not zz. Should changing between these EPSG values change zz? It makes sense to me that it should, but I'm very new to this, as WGS84 and degree coordinates are the only two I have ever heard of before a week ago.
print(Transformer.from_crs("EPSG:4326", "EPSG:23036").transform(lat_deg, lon_deg, alt_m)) # GPS to ED50 / UTM zone 36N
print(Transformer.from_crs("EPSG:4326", "EPSG:2588" ).transform(lat_deg, lon_deg, alt_m)) # GPS to SK 42 3 deg Gauss Kruger
print(Transformer.from_crs("EPSG:4326", "EPSG:28407").transform(lat_deg, lon_deg, alt_m)) # GPS to SK 42 Gauss Kruger zone 7