I'm trying to build a FeatureCollection from 4 differents FeatureCollection in order to export an excel with 4 columns containg the 4 differents lists. Here is an example of the strucuture of each FeatureCollection And how I get them :
var chloaFeatures = ee.FeatureCollection(ee.List(chloa_4kmOnly
reducer : ee.Reducer.toList(),
geometry : geometry,
crs : ModisProjection
return ee.Feature(null, {chloa_4kmOnly : chloa})
var B1Features = ee.FeatureCollection(ee.List(chloa_4kmOnly
reducer : ee.Reducer.toList(),
geometry : geometry,
crs : ModisProjection
return ee.Feature(null, {B1 : chloa})
var B2Features = ee.FeatureCollection(ee.List(chloa_4kmOnly
reducer : ee.Reducer.toList(),
geometry : geometry,
crs : ModisProjection
return ee.Feature(null, {B2 : chloa})
var B3Features = ee.FeatureCollection(ee.List(chloa_4kmOnly
reducer : ee.Reducer.toList(),
geometry : geometry,
crs : ModisProjection
return ee.Feature(null, {B3 : chloa})
You can find my complete code here: https://code.earthengine.google.com/4ceaa4d6f96e1107f2f53af572e3badd