When I import geopandas I get the follwing warning:

Warning 3: Cannot find header.dxf (GDAL_DATA is not defined)
Cannot find header.dxf (GDAL_DATA is not defined)

Though everything seems to be working correctly, I would really like to know what the reason for this warning is and how to solve it.

I installed GeoPandas on my Windows machine using Anaconda install (and conda-forge).

Package versions: GeoPandas: 0.14.3 GDAL: 3.8.4

  • 1
    set GDAL_DATA=C:\gdal\data see stackoverflow.com/questions/45883445/… - its setting the version of AutoCAD see help.autodesk.com/view/ACD/2023/ENU/…
    – Mapperz
    Commented Mar 6 at 18:50
  • I recall having had these kind of issues, possibly linked to the environment not getting activated properly, in the past when I had multiple installations of anaconda/miniconda/miniforge on one computer. Could that be the case? Unistalling all installations and reinstalling one helped me back then, but if you have many environments this can be a pain...
    – Pieter
    Commented Mar 7 at 7:03
  • I tried to do this as I had one other environment containing GeoPandas, however it didn´t solve the issue. However, I found a solution within the answer of Mapperz. Commented Mar 7 at 14:23

2 Answers 2


Often the reason is that for some reason your environment is not in its best shape.

A good first thing to do is to make sure that you don't mix packages from different conda channels. I would try to create a new environment like this:

conda create -n geo
conda activate geo
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
conda config --env --set channel_priority strict
conda install python=3.11 geopandas
  • 1
    I forgot to say, I already used conda-forge setting up my environment. I´ll update that in the question. I also tried setting up a new approach as in your answer but the result is the same, unfortunately. Commented Mar 6 at 21:16

Using the comment of @Mapperz, I was able to resolve it.

By adding the following code the warning does not appear:

import os
import sys

os.environ['GDAL_DATA'] = os.path.join(f'{os.sep}'.join(sys.executable.split(os.sep)[:-1]), 'Library', 'share', 'gdal')

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