I'd like to enable or disable a repository from the plugin repository with pyqgis.

Exactly like when you're clicking on this checkbox in the plugin manager interface : plugin_manager_interface_screenshot_enable_disable_repository

I only find a way to remove a repository but i'd rather just disable it if possible.

1 Answer 1


After some research based on this question.

I found a solution to disable a plugin repository:

from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QSettings
from pyplugin_installer import instance
from qgis.utils import updateAvailablePlugins

plugin_repository_name = 'Dépôt officiel des extensions QGIS'

settings = QSettings()

for setting in settings.allKeys():
    if setting.find('{}/enabled'.format(plugin_repository_name)) > 0:
        settings.setValue(setting, False)

And enable it :

from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QSettings
from pyplugin_installer import instance
from qgis.utils import updateAvailablePlugins

plugin_repository_name = 'Dépôt officiel des extensions QGIS'

settings = QSettings()

for setting in settings.allKeys():
    if setting.find('{}/enabled'.format(plugin_repository_name)) > 0:
        settings.setValue(setting, True)

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