Using GDAL's ogr2ogr to load data from a DBF I've downloaded from a proprietary system into PostgreSQL. The data has date fields where no-data records are stored as 0000/00/00, so I'm using SQLite's NULLIF function to change these to proper NULL values; if I left them, ogr2ogr was producing errors being unable to handle the date values. As a result of using SQLite though, I'm then facing the issue of SQLite not handling the Boolean fields properly. I know SQLite doesn't have a Boolean type, but I'm expecting it to just be treated as a standard integer in that case, however I'm unable to get it to keep the True values as 1, with everything instead just going to 0 (i.e. False). I've tried experimenting forcing the casting via -sql "SELECT CAST(field AS Integer) FROM table" and also -mapFieldType Integer(Boolean)=Integer.

I've tried doing ogrinfo and also doing ogr2ogr into a different format, however it appears the issue is consistent once using a SQLite query. I have made a sample version of the dataset available at https://github.com/trodaway/filesharing/blob/main/example.dbf

Is there a way round this?

Note: I have been using GDAL 3.9.1, although the date issue should be resolved in the recently released 3.9.2, so I might be able to get around the boolean issue with this, however this doesn't fix the root cause issue if it does happen to be a bug.

  • Can't you depersonalise the .dbf? Just keep a few rows in it and only keep the columns relevant for this problem will probably lead to the .dbf being ok to share?
    – Pieter
    Commented Aug 28 at 13:05
  • Also: what version of GDAL are you using, as I remember a problem with booleans being fixed a while ago? If you are not using the latest version, try with the latest version please...
    – Pieter
    Commented Aug 28 at 13:07
  • I've just added an example dbf. As I've edited my question to note, I've been using 3.9.1, however just updated to 3.9.2 so will try again - from the looks of the release notes, it should fix the date issue meaning I don't need to use SQLite, although that's just a workaround opposed to addressing the actual issue with the booleans.
    – Tim R
    Commented Aug 28 at 18:02
  • 1
    Ah, I've tried again using the latest version (I thought I was, as only installed it in the last few weeks) and that works - thanks for the reminder to check that :)
    – Tim R
    Commented Aug 28 at 19:23

1 Answer 1


A problem with booleans was fixed a while ago in GDAL...

Please try with the latest GDAL version (3.9.2) please.

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