I am trying to do some image processing and export the results from Google Earth Engine to a GeoTIFF I can open in ArcGIS. I am able to run this code and generate an image that is visible in GEE (see below)
The result is exported to GDrive as a GeoTIFF, but when I load it in ArcGIS, nothing is displayed and anywhere I click shows "NoData". When I open the raster properties in ArcGIS, I see this information. Notably it shows 1 column and 20038 rows.
Is there something wrong with my export code? Do I need to reproject this image for it to export to a usable format?
Working code here: https://code.earthengine.google.com/ff194ab9c211ddc78bb2430a9ce0fd38
Relevant for export:
image: snowCover_0401,
description: 'SCA_20pct_'+year+'0401',
folder: 'GEE',
region: snowCover_0401.geometry(),
crs: projection.crs,
maxPixels: 1e7,
fileFormat: 'GEOTIFF'