I am having problems with ogr2ogr and keep getting different versions of the error:
ERROR 1: MySQL error message: The used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexes. Description: ALTER TABLE 'test_poly' ADD SPATIAL INDEX('SHAPE')
my command (entering it in FWTools Shell) is:
ogr2ogr -f "MySQL" MYSQL:"test,host=,user=root,port=3306" -nln test_poly -a_srs "EPSG:3857" -update -overwrite
...adding '-lco GEOMETRY_NAME ' doesn't do anything... ...also moving the ti tge ebdm behind -lco engine=MYSIAM does nothing...
All I see is the tables 'geometry_columns' and spatial_ref_sys' and 'test_poly' being created...but no data *(i.e. when I use "Select Rows - Limit 1000").
What am I missing?
I am a bit new to MySQL...but I read as much documentation as I could find...I thought I could set the spatial index by going to Engine: MYSIAM....am I wrong?