87 (0x57) is the ANSI code page ID according to this reference.
print id,hex(id),chr(id)
This prints 87 0x57 W
on some random dbf I tested. For '949' you should be looking for 78 0x4E
Edit: Below is a look up table (dict) for the code pages copied from the above reference:
1 :['437','US MS-DOS'],
2 :['850','International MS-DOS'],
3 :['1252','Windows ANSI Latin I'],
4 :['10000','Standard Macintosh'],
8 :['865','Danish OEM'],
9 :['437','Dutch OEM'],
10 :['850','Dutch OEM'],
11 :['437','Finnish OEM'],
13 :['437','French OEM'],
14 :['850','French OEM'],
15 :['437','German OEM'],
16 :['850','German OEM'],
17 :['437','Italian OEM'],
18 :['850','Italian OEM'],
19 :['932','Japanese Shift-JIS'],
20 :['850','Spanish OEM'],
21 :['437','Swedish OEM'],
22 :['850','Swedish OEM'],
23 :['865','Norwegian OEM'],
24 :['437','Spanish OEM'],
25 :['437','English OEM (Great Britain)'],
26 :['850','English OEM (Great Britain)'],
27 :['437','English OEM (US)'],
28 :['863','French OEM (Canada)'],
29 :['850','French OEM'],
31 :['852','Czech OEM'],
34 :['852','Hungarian OEM'],
35 :['852','Polish OEM'],
36 :['860','Portuguese OEM'],
37 :['850','Portuguese OEM'],
38 :['866','Russian OEM'],
55 :['850','English OEM (US)'],
64 :['852','Romanian OEM'],
77 :['936','Chinese GBK (PRC)'],
78 :['949','Korean (ANSI/OEM)'],
79 :['950','Chinese Big5 (Taiwan)'],
80 :['874','Thai (ANSI/OEM)'],
87 :['Current ANSI CP','ANSI'],
88 :['1252','Western European ANSI'],
89 :['1252','Spanish ANSI'],
100 :['852','Eastern European MS-DOS'],
101 :['866','Russian MS-DOS'],
102 :['865','Nordic MS-DOS'],
103 :['861','Icelandic MS-DOS'],
104 :['895','Kamenicky (Czech) MS-DOS'],
105 :['620','Mazovia (Polish) MS-DOS'],
106 :['737','Greek MS-DOS (437G)'],
107 :['857','Turkish MS-DOS'],
108 :['863','French-Canadian MS-DOS'],
120 :['950','Taiwan Big 5'],
121 :['949','Hangul (Wansung)'],
122 :['936','PRC GBK'],
123 :['932','Japanese Shift-JIS'],
124 :['874','Thai Windows/MS–DOS'],
134 :['737','Greek OEM'],
135 :['852','Slovenian OEM'],
136 :['857','Turkish OEM'],
150 :['10007','Russian Macintosh'],
151 :['10029','Eastern European Macintosh'],
152 :['10006','Greek Macintosh'],
200 :['1250','Eastern European Windows'],
201 :['1251','Russian Windows'],
202 :['1254','Turkish Windows'],
203 :['1253','Greek Windows'],
204 :['1257','Baltic Windows']
32-63- 32 bytes - Language driver name
looks a lot more promising.