Since upgrading to ArcGIS 10.1 (SP 1) from 10.0, I've been encountering an issue when running the arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management()
tool with output to a file geodatabase. I'm principally working with python, but I've duplicated the issue in ArcMap.
Consider a sample dataset, available here, which includes two states (MA and CT) of gSSURGO soil rasters. Create a file geodatabase for outputs, then:
outGDB = <your file geodatabase>
arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = arcpy.SpatialReference("North America Albers Equal Area Conic")
arcpy.env.OverwriteOutput = True
arcpy.env.pyramid = "PYRAMIDS -1 NEAREST DEFAULT"
#arcpy.env.snapRaster = <your snap raster> # I snap to an NLCD layer, not sure its pertinent to the example, though
arcpy.env.cellSize = 30
inFolder = <the folder which contains the extracted zip file contents>
inList = []
arcpy.env.workspace= inFolder
for f in arcpy.ListFiles():
The operation successfully produces a new raster, but for me it has some unusual properties. Namely, I find large sections of the file do not display when zoomed out:
And as I zoom in incrementally, the gaps fill:
A few notes:
- The "Identify" tool tip shows that there is data present even when not depicted. The same issue occurs in both ArcMap and ArcCatalog.
- The issue does not occur when I perform
with output to a regular system folder. - Scale range is set to "Show layers at all scales".
- As I zoom out, the whole extent disappears eventually.