The table that i want to perform this query has 3 columns: id, the_geom and seen_count.

The query i've been using to get points inside a bounding box is as follows:

SELECT id, ST_AsGeoJSON(the_geom) FROM table WHERE ST_Contains(ST_MakeEnvelope({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, 4326), table.the_geom)

What i want to do is: selecting points, which are transformed to circles using their seen_count as radius, intersect with bounding box. Is it possible? If so, would it be an expensive query? Thanks in advance.

  • 1
    Wrap the table.geom in ST_Buffer() using the seen_count column as buffer distance, like so: SELECT id, ST_AsGeoJSON(the_geom) FROM table WHERE ST_Contains(ST_MakeEnvelope({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, 4326), ST_Buffer(table.the_geom, table.seen_count)). I guess you realize that ST_Contains will return the ids only of points where the buffered circle it totally within the bounding box.
    – Micha
    Commented Jun 23, 2013 at 11:41
  • Thank you for showing me a starting point. I found the answer!
    – onatm
    Commented Jun 23, 2013 at 19:48

1 Answer 1


Thanks to Micha, i found the answer:

SELECT id, ST_AsGeoJSON(the_geom) FROM table WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(ST_MakeEnvelope({0}, {1}, {3}, {4}, 4326), 
ST_Buffer(the_geom::geography, 1000*(seen_count+1))::geometry);

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