Using esri javascript api version 3.8, I am trying to use some cached tiles from our server at using WebTiledLayer. I believe that our tiles are set up as ${level}/${row}/${col}.png , however my tiles still aren't showing up. Does this have something to do with setting up an extent parameter? I'd like the tiles to show up with the extent of 'xmin': -88.243751, 'ymin': 41.49263, 'xmax': -88.131789, 'ymax': 41.727235
This sample is the only example I've found that uses a web tile cache and it doesn't use the extent parameter but its a world map whereas mine is a small county in Illinois. I haven't found any examples of using the extent option so maybe I just don't have it set up correctly.
Here's my code snippet with the attempt at the extent parameter.
var tiles = new WebTiledLayer("${level}/${row}/${col}.png", {
"Extent": "'xmin': -88.243751, 'ymin': 41.49263, 'xmax': -88.131789, 'ymax': 41.727235"