I'm having trouble learning how to query my shapefiles for certain features. I have a shapefile that looks something like this when I summarize it using the following command:
ogrinfo -al -geom=OFF tl_2013_us_uac10.shp
UACE10 (String) = 31450
GEOID10 (String) = 31450
NAME10 (String) = Franklin--Highland Lake, NJ
NAMELSAD10 (String) = Franklin--Highland Lake, NJ Urban Cluster
LSAD10 (String) = 76
MTFCC10 (String) = G3500
UATYP10 (String) = C
FUNCSTAT10 (String) = S
ALAND10 (Real) = 84345960
AWATER10 (Real) = 3320730
INTPTLAT10 (String) = +41.1696387
INTPTLON10 (String) = -074.5456645
UACE10 (String) = 16171
GEOID10 (String) = 16171
NAME10 (String) = Chester, NY
NAMELSAD10 (String) = Chester, NY Urban Cluster
LSAD10 (String) = 76
MTFCC10 (String) = G3500
UATYP10 (String) = C
FUNCSTAT10 (String) = S
ALAND10 (Real) = 9360429
AWATER10 (Real) = 3420
INTPTLAT10 (String) = +41.3627073
INTPTLON10 (String) = -074.2780785
How can I query for features that have NJ in their Name10 field, for example? I tried something like this:
ogrinfo -al -sql "SELECT * FROM 'tl_2013_us_uac10' WHERE UACE10 = 16171" tl_2013_us_uac10.shp
but I get this error:
INFO: Open of `tl_2013_us_uac10.shp'
using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
ERROR 1: Type mismatch or improper type of arguments to = operator.
Can anyone help me out or point me to a good resource?