Looking for minimal example/advice on getting a WFS service to show up as a vector layer with markers/icons in Openlayers map.
I have created the WFS service in Geomedia WebMap and the Openlayers map.
a snippet from my map html code:
var wfs = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("myFeats", {
minScale: 100000,
maxScale: 99,
strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX()],
protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
version: "1.1.0",
srsName: "EPSG:900913",
url: "http://gisdev2/OL_WFS/Request.aspx",
featureType: ["myFeats"],
featurePrefix: "gmgml",
featureNS: "http://www.intergraph.com/geomedia/gml",
geometryName: "GEOMETRY_PT",
renderers: OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.renderers
Opening the IE11 debug console it bombs near this line in the Openlayers.js code
{return this.xmldom?"string"==typeof a?this.xmldom.createNode(1,b,a):this.xmldom.createNode(1,b,""):document.createElementNS(a, b)}
I suspect the problem is with the namespace in the WFS. I have read elsewhere to toggle the checkbox "on" for the 'Feature Collection in WFS namespace' setting in Geomedia WebMap. I have done this. I have also kept the 'Features namespace' value equal to 'http://www.intergraph.com/geomedia/gml' and the 'Features namespace prefix' equal to 'gmgml'.
Still no luck getting the feature to show in the Openlayers map.