I use postgresql 8.4 to route a river network, the following is my code typed in pgAdmin and the result is fine,

select * from driving_distance
('select gid as id,
 start_id::int4 as source, end_id::int4 as target,
 shape_leng::double precision as cost from network',
 10, 1000000, false, false);

enter image description here

I have installed psycopg2 and it successfully connect python and postgresql,

#set up python and postgresql connection
import psycopg2

    conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname = 'routing_template' user = 'postgres' host = 'localhost' password = '****'")
    print 'I am unable to connect the database'

Now I need to directly execute my sql code on the top in pyscripter, how should I change these codes to python code?

I am working with postgresql 8.4, python 2.7.6 under Windows 8.1 x64.

  • 1
    I have not used psycopg2, but have you considered using pyodbc instead? code.google.com/p/pyodbc/wiki/ConnectionStrings Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 10:08
  • @AlexTereshenkov thank you, In the very beginning I thought I need to use postgresql to handle shapefile data, so I choose psycopg2. Now I am reading Getting Started of pyodbc, but I really don't know which one has merit connecting to postgresql.
    – Heinz
    Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 11:26
  • 2
    No, seriously, do not use PyODBC if psycopg2 is an option. psycopg2 is a lot better. Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 12:28

1 Answer 1


First, never swallow an exception, or catch all exceptions. Your connection code should be more like:

import sys
import psycopg2

conn = None
    conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname = 'routing_template' user = 'postgres' host = 'localhost' password = '****'")
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, ex:
    print 'I am unable to connect the database: " + ex

Now, you have a connection. Running SQL is trivial ... as the psycopg2 tutorial would show you.

curs = conn.cursor()
curs.execute("SELECT ...")
for row in curs:
   print row

You can be much more sophisticated about how you output row data, etc. The manual has lots of useful examples.

  • thank you for your answer. I have read the tutorial before, but I am too new to solve the sql problem, anyway, I will spend much more time to learn sql, thanks a lot!
    – Heinz
    Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 12:54

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