A few months we began seeing a pop up in ArcCatalog when hitting the "Description" tab asking if you want to upgrade metadata. Clicking yes or no results in the existing metadata being deleted. Clicking the x to close the pop up is the only way to keep the existing metadata intact. Is this a known bug or am I missing something? Searched around with Google but didn't find much. Upgrade Metadata prompt in ArcCatalog

1 Answer 1


You can disable this upgrade prompt in ArcCatalog Options (Customize > ArcCatalog Options > Metadata tab).

ESRI has completely changed the format of metadata with ArcGIS 10+ and haven't done a very good job of it at all. It's causing a lot of issues for those of us who actually make use of metadata.

Have a read about what has changed:


  • Good to know. Does QGIS handle metadata any better?
    – sirgeo
    Commented May 20, 2014 at 14:17
  • @sirgeo Couldn't say I'm afraid. ArcGIS metadata is still good, but not if you're trying to update everything from a 9.x version.
    – pvdev
    Commented May 21, 2014 at 10:22

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