Anyone have experience calculating a field based on a many to one scenario?
I have a feature class in a geodatabase with a field of unique names.
Feature Class Table (let's call this "MAINTABLE") looks like this:
OID ; Name ; B
1 ; Breakfast ; NULL
2 ; Lunch ; NULL
3 ; Dinner ; NULL
4 ; Dessert ; NULL
I also have a stand alone table in a different location that has several entries for each unique name in the feature class.
Stand alone table (Let's call this "SIDETABLE") looks like this:
UID ; Name ; A
1 ; Breakfast ; 0
2 ; Breakfast ; -1
3 ; Lunch ; -1
4 ; Dinner ; 0
5 ; Dessert ; NULL
6 ; Breakfast ; -1
7 ; Breakfast ; NULL
8 ; Breakfast ; -1
9 ; Breakfast ; -1
10 ; Breakfast ; NULL
I need help to search all values ("0" or "-1" or NULL) in SIDETABLE field "A", and if any entry in SIDETABLE field "A" has a "0", calculate field "B" in MAINTABLE as value "0".
BUT if a unique name entry in SIDETABLE field "A" contains "0" and "-1", calculate field "B" in MAINTABLE as value "0".
If a unique name from MAINTABLE does not in field "A" of SIDETABLE have value "0" but has value "-1", calculate field "B" in MAINTABLE as "-1".
If a unique name from MAINTABLE does not in field "A" of SIDETABLE have value "0" but has NULL value, calculate/keep field "B" in MAINTABLE as NULL.
The resulting feature class table ("MAINTABLE") should look like this:
OID ; Name ; B
1 ; Breakfast ; 0
2 ; Lunch ; -1
3 ; Dinner ; 0
4 ; Dessert ; NULL
***I would assume python is the best option. I am new scripting/ using python or whichever is best practice. I am assuming I would need some sort of conditional statement using Calculate Field on field "B" in the feature class. And I am also assuming I need to relate the feature class to table based on NAME.
***I am using ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop Advanced
The following is the sort of logic I'm looking for
return into B.MAINTABLE the value "0"
*[if there are 10 "breakfast" entries in SIDETABLE,
look at all values in field "A" and if one of the values is 0,
then return "0" into B.MAINTABLE]
else if A.SIDETABLE = -1
return into B.MAINTABLE the value "-1"
return into B.MAINTABLE NULL