You will need to use ArcObjects. You are looking for the IDisplayExpressionProperties interface. It is obtained from IDisplayString, which in turn is obtained from IFeatureLayer. Here you will find a fantastic little snippet of code provided by patrick that does the trick:
public void annotateLayer(ILayer thisLayer, String geocode, double minScale, double maxScale, bool annotationsOn, bool showMapTips, RgbColor annotationLabelColor)
IGeoFeatureLayer geoLayer = thisLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;
if (geoLayer != null)
geoLayer.DisplayAnnotation = annotationsOn;
IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection propertiesColl = geoLayer.AnnotationProperties;
IAnnotateLayerProperties labelEngineProperties = new LabelEngineLayerProperties() as IAnnotateLayerProperties;
IElementCollection placedElements = new ElementCollectionClass();
IElementCollection unplacedElements = new ElementCollectionClass();
propertiesColl.QueryItem(0, out labelEngineProperties, out placedElements, out unplacedElements);
ILabelEngineLayerProperties lpLabelEngine = labelEngineProperties as ILabelEngineLayerProperties;
lpLabelEngine.Expression = geocode;
lpLabelEngine.Symbol.Color = annotationLabelColor;
labelEngineProperties.AnnotationMinimumScale = minScale;
labelEngineProperties.AnnotationMaximumScale = maxScale;
IFeatureLayer thisFeatureLayer = thisLayer as IFeatureLayer;
IDisplayString displayString = thisFeatureLayer as IDisplayString;
IDisplayExpressionProperties properties = displayString.ExpressionProperties;
properties.Expression = geocode; //example: "[OWNER_NAME] & vbnewline & \"$\" & [TAX_VALUE]";
thisFeatureLayer.ShowTips = showMapTips;
Note the variable "geocode" which is stored in properties.Expression. You can specify a single column name or a combination of different column names, or even a single variable.