I am a newcomer to ArcGIS and Python.
What I am trying to do is very simple: map 400K business locations using lat/lon coordinates onto a shapefile of California census tracts, and then export the data from the spatial join into a text file so that I have a spreadsheet containing the census tract that each business falls into. The input file of lat/lon data is a csv with 400K records, 5 variables and is ~15MB.
I have successfully completed this task interactively in ArcMap 10.2.1, but I would like to have a record of my process for future replication, hence my foray into ArcPy. In ArcMap, this process takes a few minutes. However, my ArcPy script takes multiple hours to complete. It appears to be the CopyFeatures step that requires significant computer resources and so I am not including ArcMap details or ArcPy code beyond this step. Note also that I have run my full ArcPy script on a subset of my data (the first 20 records of my 15MB file) and it works fine and finishes in just a few seconds. Given that, I know the issue is likely with the size of my file, but I have not been able to determine or successfully implement a work around to decrease the memory usage of my code.
Are there any ways I can modify my script to decrease processing time for this simple task?
I'm hopeful there's a way to make this as efficient with ArcPy as it is with ArcMap.
ArcMap steps:
Import shapefile containing census tracts
- Add data -> choose shapefile
Import and prepare lat/lon data for spatial join
File -> Add Data -> Add XY Data -> select my 15GB csv -> X Field (longitude) -> Y Field (latitude) -> Coordinate System (WGS 1984)
Right click on XY data -> Data -> Export data -> All Features -> Output feature class is a .shp saved in my GIS workspace -> upon completion of this step, a pop up displays asking whether want to add to map as layer and I choose Yes (don't think this is significant however)
ArcPy script:
# Import modules
import arcpy, csv
import os
from arcpy import env
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/Users/ccwright/Desktop/GIS_workspace"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Set local variables:
in_table = "infousa_latlon_small.csv"
x_coords = "longitude"
y_coords = "latitude"
out_layer = "lat_lon_layer"
feature_class = "lat_lon_feature_class.shp"
census_tracts_shp = "census_tracts_CA_only/US_tract_2000_CA_only.shp"
spatial_join = "spatial_join.shp"
spatial_join_output_txt = "spatial_join_data.txt"
# Set coordinate system to WGS-1984:
WKID = 4326
sr = arcpy.SpatialReference()
sr.factoryCode = WKID
env.outputCoordinateSystem = sr
# Process: Make XY Event Layer
arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(in_table, x_coords, y_coords, out_layer, sr, "")
# Process: Copy Features
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(out_layer, feature_class, "", "0", "0", "0")