You could use an OGR Virtual Format.
This link has a section called "Reading CSV containing spatial information" which shows how to create a VRT file that reads a CSV file with a lat/lon column. This example is a basic template but could be manipulated to suit your case.
Basically you copy the code below into a text file and save it with a file extension of ".vrt". You can then load this into QGIS and theoretically each time you load the VRT file you should see the latest version of the CSV contents. I assume you could change the datasource to be a http end point, I haven't tried that yet. But consuming local csv files this way works.
<OGRVRTLayer name="test">
<SrcDataSource relativeToVRT="1">test.csv</SrcDataSource>
<GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="Longitude" y="Latitude"/>