From How can I reclassify an integer raster to a float raster?, I would like to reclassify an integer raster "cpraster3.tif" to a float raster. For example, I would like to reclassify "Value" = 1 into 0.27, "Value" = 2 into 1.00 ...
Here is my code:
test_reclass = Float(Con(("cpraster3.tif", "Value" = 1, 0.27, Con("cpraster3.tif", "Value" = 2, 1.00, Con("cpraster3.tif", "Value" = 3, 2.9, Con("cpraster3.tif", "Value" = 4, 2.94, Con("cpraster3.tif", "Value" = 5, 5.37, Con("cpraster3.tif", "Value" = 6, 10.35, Con("cpraster3.tif", "Value" = 7, 16.49, Con("cpraster3.tif","Value" = 7, 22.08, 0.0)))))))))
But I have this error message:
Failed to run script - syntax error - keyword can't be an expression