I developed a program using the ArcGIS Engine 10.0. On my development computer it runs nicely, but when I deploy the binary to the customer computer the program throws an exception when trying to initialize the license.
The exception: "ArcGIS version not specified. You must call RuntimeManager.Bind before creating any ArcGIS components."
This error does show after I called RuntimeManager.Bind, and I'm quite sure I did not accidentially instanciate any other ArcGIS objects before calling RuntimeManager.Bind.
How can I find the source of this problem? Why does it only show up at the customer?
The code I'm using to initialise:
ESRI::ArcGIS::esriSystem::AoInitialize^ aoi = gcnew ESRI::ArcGIS::esriSystem::AoInitializeClass();
ESRI::ArcGIS::esriSystem::esriLicenseProductCode productCode = ESRI::ArcGIS::esriSystem::esriLicenseProductCode::esriLicenseProductCodeEngine;
if (aoi->IsProductCodeAvailable(productCode) == ESRI::ArcGIS::esriSystem::esriLicenseStatus::esriLicenseAvailable)