Autocomplete slows down my workflow in the Python window, especially if I am remoted into a machine.
Is there a way to disable this?
Alternatively, a way to disable this and then invoke as needed (similar to Intellisense options in Visual Studio)?
I use Pythonwin as my Python IDE. In that environment, and I am sure in others, you can simply toggle it off. For Pythonwin, try the menu option View | Editor, then toggle off autocomplete.
EDIT I should add you are under no obligation to use the one provided in ArcMap, simply fire up your favourite IDE and >>> import arcpy which will give you full access to the arcpy module. If you have frequently used expressions, particularly complex ones associated with the spatial analyst module, use a text editor to save them, then cut/paste and modify to suit.
ESRI dev types are also touting pyscripter as a pretty full-fledge, open source Python interpreter...I would keep an eye open to see if this gets bundled at some stage as a replacement for Pythonwin. It has more capabilities and it rivals (apparently) some commercial Python IDEs 1
Tools>Options>IDE Options: Uncheck complete as you type. I don't know if there is a way to toggle it with hot keys. That is what I'm trying to figure out.
in pyscripter you can do the same and then ctrl+spacebar to bring it back as needed
Yes, there is.
Click tools>preferences>editor>code introspection.
Go there and uncheck auto complete