I have a geodatabase called predictions.gdb and a feature class called output_gis_120_Project in that database. I imported this feature class as a layer in ArcMap. The attribute table with columns lat,lng,attrx,attry,avg_price which is in the form
etc... I would like to perform a sql query which is
SELECT lat,lng,SUM(avg_price) from output_gis_120_Project GROUP BY lat,lng;
I read that ArcGIS can only have group by statements in a subquery so I went to layer--->properties-->definition-->query builder and rewrote my query as
"select * from output_gis_120_Project where lat,lng,sum_price in (SELECT lat,lng,SUM(avg_price) sum_price from output_gis_120_Project GROUP BY lat,lng)
I keep on getting an error saying that there was an error with the expression. I tried putting the fields in brackets [] and only selecting avg_price in the subquery, but this didn't help either.
? File geodatabse doesn't have a RDBMS, so even valid ANSI SQL isn't fully supported.