up until now we have been using EPSG:25832 (UTM Zone 32N) as our standard Coordinate system. Recently however after we aquired a new project area and consequently new software, I have to display data with EPSG:32632. Looking at the definitions, it seems the only difference is between the extents and the Datum. EPSG:25832 is based on the "European_Terrestrial_Reference_System_1989" using the spheroid "GRS 1980" and EPSG:32632 uses the datum "WGS_1984" with the spheroid of the same name - This means the Semi-major axis are the same but the Semi-minor axis has a difference of 2 meters. All other parameters are the same.
So now the question....can I use them interchangeably on a regional scale? meaning I will not be using them to control satellite systems or aircraft flight paths.