I need to extract values from some raster files (stack) using a shapefile. to bring both of them in the same CRS, I first transformed the shapefile using the EPSG codes. Opening it in an GIS software (QGIS, Saga) it was not in the correct place. (also via retrieving the rasters CRS and reprojecting the shapefile).
Afterwards I extracted manually the correct crs code (+proj=lcc +lat_1=46 +lat_2=49 +lat_0=47.5 +lon_0=13.33333333333333 +x_0=400000 +y_0=400000 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232 +units=m +no_defs
) from the "on the fly projection" in QGis for my R-Code.
In the end I came up with the following:
shp<-readOGR(dsn="hagel", layer="testflaechen_20131203")
crs(shp) # get coordinate reference system (CRS)
>CRS arguments:
+proj=lcc +lat_1=46 +lat_2=49 +lat_0=47.5 +lon_0=13.33333333333333 +x_0=400000
+y_0=400000 +ellps=bessel +units=m +no_defs
crs(shputm)<-"+proj=lcc +lat_1=46 +lat_2=49 +lat_0=47.5 +lon_0=13.33333333333333 +x_0=400000 +y_0=400000 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232 +units=m +no_defs"
compareCRS(shp, shputm)
[1] TRUE
writeOGR(shputm, dsn="hagel", layer="testflaechen_20131203_utm", driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer=TRUE)
So the strange thing is that compareCRS
tells me that they are the same. In QGis they don't appear to be and also if I use extract()
in further steps with shp and shputm it gives me different values.
Another problem or indication that something must be wrong with the projection can be seen in extshp1<-extent(shputm)
leading to following values:
extshp1 class : Extent xmin : 649456.4 xmax : 657021.6 ymin : 488263.9 ymax : 505175.5
Although the values should be something like these: extshp<-extent(c(623874.1, 634993, 5343486, 5362521))
(got values manually via drawextent()
shapefiles on dropbox and a sample raster of the region
Actually this all should be simple, but I am really struggling with it.