in QGIS, how do I make the selection color transparent?
I need to split a polygon and i want to see the layer underneath it. But I have to select the polygon in order to cut it, and when i do that it turns yellow!
In version 1.7, go to Preferences > Options > General tab (opened by default). Then, click the yellow color in front of Selection color and change the alpha canal value.
My Qgis version is in French, sorry if the translation is not exactly correct.
In QGis 2.2 you need to do the same edit the selection color in "Project Properties" (Win: SHIFT+CTRL+P) to make the selection transparent.
IN 3.18 I tried to change the preference to make the selected item transparent but it doesn't work... but as it turns out, you don't have to select the polygon in order to use the split features tool and cut them.