I am new with ENVI IDL,I want to get pixel value of each band in an image in specified lat and long location.I can do a loop among bands in image using this code
ENVI_OPEN_FILE,'E:\MASTER\Payan_Name\DataSer\Output\162\0730\1-1Georefrence_BIP\Subset_BIP.hdr', R_FID=FID, NO_REALIZE=1
ENVI_FILE_QUERY, FID, ns=ns, nl=nl, nb=nb, data_type=data_type, descrip=descrip, bnames=bnames, sensor_type=sensor_type, wavelength_units=wavelength_units, dims=dims
for b=0,nb-1,1 do begin
indata = ENVI_GET_DATA(FID=fid,POS=b,DIMS=dims)
But I don't know how to get pixel value at lat and long,I searched and found a library which name is Rdpix
is used to get pixel value at mouse location but I want it at specified lat and long location,
Can Some one please help me find the solution or give me some clues to solve my problem?