So, I'm trying to get the postal codes of a city (polygon). Unfortunately, I never get consistent results with my code:


FROM planet_osm_polygon a
JOIN planet_osm_polygon b ON ST_Intersects(a.way, b.way)

WHERE a.name = 'cityname'
AND   b.boundary = 'postal_code';

With ST_Intersects I get all valid postal codes plus a few non-valid surrounding ones. I also tried a few other functions, like ST_Crosses, ST_Contains, ST_Within, but never got a set of valid postal codes. Is there a best practice out there to solve this?

  • Why don't you simply compute the postal_code polygon centroids, and report all centroids inside of the city boundary polygon?
    – AndreJ
    Commented Jan 19, 2015 at 12:11
  • Haven't tried it yet, but I guess it won't work in all cases, since I want to run this all over Germany. Centroids might be outside the city boundaries. Will try and keep u posted.
    – Patrick
    Commented Feb 3, 2015 at 18:14

1 Answer 1


I had a similar problem an I solved it with the following statement:


FROM planet_osm_polygon postcode
JOIN planet_osm_polygon city ON ST_INTERSECTS(city.geometry, postcode.geometry)  
  AND NOT ST_Touches(city.geometry, postcode.geometry)

WHERE a.name = 'cityname'
  AND   b.boundary = 'postal_code';

Description: ST_INTERSECTS also includes touches see : https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Intersects.html so you have to exclude these surrounding postcodes with ST_TOUCHES. This function return TRUE if an item touches the other and there are no intersection with the inner area. See https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Touches.html . So ST_TOUCHES(city.geometry, city.geometry) would return FALSE and ST_TOUCHES(city.geometry, cityNeighbour.geometry) would return TRUE while ST_INTERSECTS always returns TRUE.

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