I cannot find an API to rotate a feature/geometry in OpenLayers3. How do I rotate a polygon in OpenaLayers3?

  • 3
    Unfortunately this is not supported at this point.
    – erilem
    Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 11:36

1 Answer 1


You can now rotate a polygon with OpenLayers. Rotation unit is in radians and you also need to set a point to made rotation as seen in the API (link to parent class ol/geom/geometry that ol​/geom/Polygon inherits from)

You can see a demo I made. Below, in my sample (only JS mentioned), I use the center of the bounding box of the polygon.

To really center from centroid of the polygon, you would need to introduce JSTS, Turf (cf https://github.com/openlayers/openlayers/issues/3731#issuecomment-106718083) or use getInteriorPoint (for polygon) or getInteriorPoints (for multipolygon)

import "ol/ol.css";
import GeoJSON from "ol/format/GeoJSON";
import Map from "ol/Map";
import VectorLayer from "ol/layer/Vector";
import VectorSource from "ol/source/Vector";
import View from "ol/View";
import { Fill, Stroke, Style } from "ol/style";
import { getCenter } from "ol/extent";
import { fromLonLat } from "ol/proj";

var style = new Style({
  fill: new Fill({
    color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)"
  stroke: new Stroke({
    color: "#319FD3",
    width: 1

var vectorSource = new VectorSource();

var vectorLayer = new VectorLayer({
  source: vectorSource,
  style: style

new Map({
  layers: [vectorLayer],
  target: "map",
  view: new View({
    center: fromLonLat([1, 45]),
    zoom: 2

  .then((r) => r.json())
  .then((json) => {
    var features = new GeoJSON({ featureProjection: "EPSG:3857" }).readFeatures(
    var feature1 = vectorLayer
      .find((el) => el.get("name") === "France");
    var geom1 = feature1.getGeometry();
    var xy = getCenter(geom1.getExtent());
    geom1.rotate(-90 * (Math.PI / 180), xy);

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