In ArcGIS desktop, I select some features from a feature class (say with the "Select By Location" function), and then right-click and choose "Selection--> Make Layer From Selected Features"(online help reference at bottom of page).
Now, while I am inspecting this temporary "selection layer", I see that there are some features that I really didn't intend to include and would like to remove them from this selection layer in a manual way (point-and-click). Therefore, I would think I could select the feature (in the temporary "selection layer"), now remove it from the temporary selection layer, but cannot seem to find a way to do so. I cannot simply start editing and delete, as this would also affect the source layer. Is it possible to remove a feature from a selection set layer?
This is a workflow issue, as I know there are some workarounds (like export to another feature class--> select features I don't want--> and delete), but I am wondering if the direct approach is possible on the temporary selection layer.