I'm currently interning with UN-Habitat Vietnam in Hanoi, and am helping them produce some basic maps for community development strategies in the coastal cities of Tam Ky and Quy Nhon. This is my first time working in GIS internationally, and I'm realizing quite quickly the differences between here and North America in terms of reliable data acquisition. I'm having a really hard time tracking down shapefiles for the study areas, and am hoping someone with experience doing GIS work in Vietnam could help out with some pointers.
One thing I should mention, is that I have been provided fairly detailed DWG files for both cities. I personally don't have any experience converting CAD into GIS, but I have begun to poke around in AutoCAD to see what I can come up with. However, the file layers are not organized in any way I can comprehend, and many of the polylines are disconnected, and therefore don't translate well to GIS.
Does anyone know where to look for shapefiles in Vietnam?