I have a Java Topology Suite QuadTree containing Points, now I'm trying to query the QuadTree with a polygon that contains a hole. Here's how I create the polygon.
//Method will create a searchable Polygon in the shape of a donut.
public Polygon searchAreaPoly(double outterBoundry, double innerBoundry) {
Coordinate center = MyIndex.getWGSCoord(longitude, latitude);
GeometricShapeFactory gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory();
LinearRing[] holes = null;
GeometryFactory fact = new GeometryFactory();
//create the hole in the shape if innerBoundry is > 0
if (innerBoundry > 0) {
Polygon innerPoly = gsf.createCircle();
Coordinate[] innerCoords = innerPoly.getCoordinates();
LinearRing hole = fact.createLinearRing(innerCoords);
holes = new LinearRing[]{hole};
//create the outter boundry
Polygon outterPoly = gsf.createCircle();
Coordinate[] outterCoords = outterPoly.getCoordinates();
LinearRing shell = fact.createLinearRing(outterCoords);
Polygon searchPoly = fact.createPolygon(shell, holes);
return searchPoly;
Here's how I am querying the QuadTree;
//create polygon to search for points the intersect with it
Polygon polygon = data_bounds.searchAreaPoly(shell, hole);
List<MyQuadNode> items = quadTree.query(polygon.getEnvelopeInternal());
However the QuadTree returns a list that doesn't remove the Points the fall within the hole, no matter how big the hole. Does anyone know how to do this, or even if it is possible?