I'm converting csv data to shapefiles using the pyshp python library. What I want to do is very similar to Using pyshp to convert .csv file to .shp?, except that I don't know how to handle polygons.
My data is in a csv file. Each row corresponds to a named rectangle, i.e. a string and the latitude or longitude coordinates of each side of the rectangle: left side (xl), right side (xr), top (yt) and bottom (yb).
So my data looks like this:
some Name,-25.3125,22.5,47.517193,31.353634
another Name,-103.359375,-0.703125,80.87282,74.40216
And my python code is pretty simple. It is only slightly modified from the points example. But when I try to import this data into google maps, it has some errors parsing it. So I think I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what?
#Set up blank lists for data
name, polyPart = [],[]
#read data from csv file and store in lists
with open(in_file, 'rb') as csvfile:
r = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for i,row in enumerate(r):
if i > 0: #skip header
# parse data into a point array representing the bounding box
xl = float(row[1])
xr = float(row[2])
yt = float(row[3])
yb = float(row[4])
tl = [xl, yt]
tr = [xr, yt]
br = [xr, yb]
bl = [xl, yb]
parr = [tl, tr, br, bl, tl]
# array of one "part", the part is an array of points
#Set up shapefile writer and create empty fields
maxStringLength = 50
w = shp.Writer(shp.POLYGON)
#loop through the data and write the shapefile
for j, name in enumerate(name):
#Save shapefile