I have daily rainfall data in comma-delimited text file for some location as follows
Lat, Long, Precipitaion(mm)
26.0, 78.0, 23
26.50, 78.30, 200
26.70, 78.45, 405
I have total 365 files, means one file for each day.
My problem is that I want to create raster for each day by interpolating, means I have to create 365 raster in arcgis or any other gis software. After generation of these 365 rainfall raster layer I want to extract the interpolated value of precipitaion for a desired location(which is previously not available in our rainfall data) from each 365 interpolated rainfall raster data layer and want to save this in a new comma-delimited text file for 365 days just as follows.
Julian_Day, New-lat, New-lon, interpolated_precipitation(mm)
1, 26.35, 76.5, 405
I know how to load and interpolate these data in arcGis, QGIS but manually it takes long time to generate the result. so will you please suggest the automated solution in ArcGIS, QGIS, python or vb6 or any other programming language or techniques.