I am working on a 13407 lines * 11050 columns raster file (SRTM DEM, 30m) with a script that calls a series of hydrological modules in GRASS 7.0. The system I am using is a Windows server 2012 R2, 64 bit Intel Xeon 2.5 GHz processor, 32GB of RAM.
The first module called in the script is r.watershed. When launched on that data set, it generates the following error : G_malloc: impossible to allocate 1185910608 bytes to raster/r.watershed/ram/init_vars.c:149
I managed to pass that first hurdle using the -m flag on r.watershed. The scripts now requires 7 GB of disk space, even if it's slow and I don't understand why it can't use the ram in the first place, r.watershed finishes correctly.
However, when the script gets to the next module, r.fill.dir, GRASS crashes at 'Reading input elevation raster map...' with the following message:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: r.fill.dir.EXE
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 54e7aaf0
Fault Module Name: r.fill.dir.EXE
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 54e7aaf0
Exception Code: c00000fd
Exception Offset: 00001479
OS Version: 6.3.9600.
Locale ID: 1036
Additional Information 1: 3397
Additional Information 2: 33978ebc9cf04f9490066e458551979d
Additional Information 3: caf7
Additional Information 4: caf72cf53bf264b7d49f3bd72b0afc04
The script runs fine on a smaller data set.
Any idea of how to solve the app crash?
Edit: as requested, here is the result of g.region -p:
g.region -p projection: 1 (UTM)
zone: 22
datum: wgs84
ellipsoid: wgs84
north: 636094.00956457
south: 233878.203125
west: 98924.52245413
east: 430413.65625
nsres: 30.00043309
ewres: 29.99901663
rows: 13407
cols: 11050
cells: 148147350