I would like to convert from EPSG:4326 to UTM (30N/EPSG:32630 or 29N/EPSG:32629) in PostGIS. I do the following query but I get wrong results:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(36.5277099609375 -5.86424016952515)',4326),32630)) As check;
I get "POINT(5262418.33128724 -839958.963432011)"
when it should be something approximate to 243625.00,4046330.00
in UTM 30N. If I do the conversion from 4326 to UTM I get the right result but not from UTM to 4326.
- What's wrong with the query?
- And are there anyway to get the UTM timezone from the coordinates in EPSG:4326 because I don't know if they belong to 30N or 29N?