I have the code to create a shapefile programmatically, something like this 28310 - Create a new empty shapefile programmatically

moreover I am able to put the data from a layer in it.

It works perfectly.

Some client hands to me several layers that have data in Russian. When I export from my application to a shapefile I got the same behavior described here esri - Character encoding support in geodatabases and shapefiles - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange .

the fields with Cyrillic alphabet appears like ???????? .

I found this article: 21106 - Read and write shapefile and dBASE files encoded in various code pages but it does not apply to ArcEngine (ArcObjects) .

Is there a way to change the encoding when I'm creating the shapefile using the workspace provided by the shapefileworkspacefactory?

  • Please edit the question to specify the version of ArcEngine you have installed.
    – Vince
    Commented Oct 26, 2015 at 18:33


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