Publishing map service the normal way is done here using arcgis desktop.

But I decided to do it with python so I can automate the process or something like that but first off I need to edit some of the info according to this, you would create the SD file before publishing. Due to the 0 rep I can't post more then two links but normal publishing normal publishing

and using arcpy

using arcpy.

As you can see I highlighted the description according to the image does it means it is searching for the Item Description.

Is the the right way of doing it

# find the Item Information Description element 
Capability= doc.getElementsByTagName('Capabilities')
for item in Capability:
    if item.parentNode.tagName == 'FeatureAccess':
       #How do i check this check box?

2 Answers 2


The tag you want to be looking for is 'TypeName'.

you can access it like this:

import xml.dom.minidom as dom

def feature_server_toggle(doc, status):
    type_names = doc.getElementsByTagName('TypeName')
    for type_name in type_names:
        if type_name.firstChild.data == "FeatureServer" and status.lower() == 'on':
            type_name.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("Enabled")[0].firstChild.data = "true"
        if type_name.firstChild.data == "FeatureServer" and status.lower() == 'off':
            type_name.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("Enabled")[0].firstChild.data = "false"

sddraft = <path/to/sddraft>
output = <path/to/output>
doc = dom.parse(sddraft)

with open(output, 'w+') as xml:
    feature_server_toggle(doc, 'on')

Or you could alter the function to allow it to enable or disable any capability like so:

import xml.dom.minidom as dom

def capability_toggle(doc, server_type, status):
    type_names = doc.getElementsByTagName('TypeName')
    for type_name in type_names:
        if type_name.firstChild.data == "{}".format(server_type) and status.lower() == 'on':
            type_name.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("Enabled")[0].firstChild.data = "true"
        if type_name.firstChild.data == "{}".format(server_type) and status.lower() == 'off':
            type_name.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("Enabled")[0].firstChild.data = "false"

sddraft = <path/to/sddraft>
output = <path/to/output>
doc = dom.parse(sddraft)

with open(output, 'w+') as xml:
    capability_toggle(doc, 'FeatureServer', 'on')
    capability_toggle(doc, 'KmlServer', 'off')

Here is a list of valid values to use for server_type:

  • ‘KmlServer’
  • ‘FeatureServer’
  • ‘MapServer’
  • ‘WCSServer’
  • ‘WMSServer’
  • ‘WFSServer’
  • ‘SchematicsServer’
  • ‘MobileServer’
  • ‘NAServer’

Okay this is something new and the simnple solution to this is save a Service Draft file and open up with a text editor. Next you are able to search for the capabilities you want to change for example the Feature Access which I wanted was called the


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