I'm not sure if I've used the correct terminology in my title, so please forgive me if that doesn't entirely make sense.

For the sake of reproducing my example, I've created a dummy example. As usual, I pulled the ESRI shapefile from GADM and am using Ethiopia (admin level 1) as an example. I'll describe my problem in terms of this Ethiopia example.

I have a shapefile of the regions of Ethiopia that has been fortified into a data frame. Each region corresponds to a number in the attribute ID_1. I have created a vector, x, of a string of numbers that I need to pull from the Ethiopia shapefile while maintaining all of the rest of the data. Here's my code:



#read in shapefile 
eth <- readOGR(dsn = "D:/Mapping-R/Ethiopia", layer = "ETH_adm1")

eth@data$id <- rownames(eth@data)
eth.f <- fortify(eth, region = "id")
eth.df <- join(eth.f, eth@data, by = "id")

#create dummy vector
x <- 6:9

#try to subset data
test <- eth.df[eth.df$ID_1 == x,]

This final line of code gives me the error

Warning message: In eth.df$ID_1 == x : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length

How do I go about performing this subset without an error? I'm still fairly new to R and subsetting, so I feel like there's probably a pretty easy solution, but I can't seem to nail the proper search terms to find an answer. In my real code, it's necessary that the numbers I need to pull (in the example, 6:9) are a named vector, so I'm not sure how to fix the problem.


1 Answer 1




#read in shapefile 
eth <- getData("GADM", country = "Ethiopia", level = 1)

eth@data$id <- rownames(eth@data)
eth.f <- fortify(eth, region = "id")
eth.df <- join(eth.f, eth@data, by = "id")

#create dummy vector
x <- 6:9

#try to subset data
test <- eth.df[eth.df$ID_1 %in% x,]

ggplot(eth.df, aes(long, lat, group=group)) + geom_polygon(colour="white")
ggplot(test, aes(long, lat, group=group)) + geom_polygon(colour="white")

The warning tells you that the length of the vector eth.df$ID_1 is not a multiple of the length of the vector x, which is of length 4. By using == you compare eth.df$ID_1[1] to 6, eth.df$ID_1[2] to 7, ... eth.df$ID_1[4] to 9, and eth.df$ID_1[5] again to 6 and so on.

However, you probably want to get all ÌD_1s which are 6 or 7 or 8 or 9. In order to do this, you can use %in%. Check ?`%in%` for help.

  • That's a bingo! I'm surprised that I've never even come across %in% throughout my R mapping. Thanks for the explanation for what the error meant as well!
    – Lauren
    Commented Jan 8, 2016 at 16:06

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