I have bunch of data points with latitude and longitude. I want to use R to cluster them based on their distance.
I have already taken a look at this page and tried clustTool package. But I am not sure if clust function in clustTool considers data points (lat,lon) as spatial data and uses the appropriate formula to calculate distance between them.
I mean I cannot see how they differentiate between spatial data and ordinal data. I believe the distance calculation between two points on map (spatial) and two normal numbers is different. (Is it not?)
Also what happens if I want to consider a third parameter in my clustering?
Like say if I have (lat,lon) and one other parameter.
How is the distance calculated?
The other problem I have with clustTool is that it is designed with a GUI in mind. I don't know how I can skip the GUI overhead in the library because I don't need it.
What options do I have in R for cluster analysis of spatial data?
, will accept dissimilarity or distance matrices as input. This makes them perfectly general and applicable to clustering on the sphere, provided you can compute the distances yourself, which is straightforward.