I would like to project ECW + MITAB with FME to Geodatabase.
For example, i have the header MiTab:
!table !version 300 !charset WindowsLatin1 Definition Table File "7007_0652_0656_A08.ecw" Type "RASTER" (381028.028, 5255481.97) (0,0) Label "NWCor", (381028.028, 5253732.95) (0,11660) Label "SWCor", (382131.9, 5253732.95) (7359,11660) Label "SECor", (382131.9, 5255481.97) (7359,0) Label "NECor" CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 33, "m", -69, 0, 0.9996, 500000, 0 Bounds (-7745844.29605, -9997964.94315) (8745844.29605, 9997964.94315) Units "m"
How to project the ecw raster to Geodatabase ? Thanks.