I am attempting to import a Shapefile into QGIS. When I import it, the boundary is shown on the list, but when I try to view it in the mapping area, it does not show up.
I can get it to show the nodes if I go into edit mode, so I know the data is there. I've have the same problem in v2.8.2 and v2.12.3. I can run some of the polygon tools from the tool box such as SAGA Polygon properties, and it will then show the polygon when the new layer is created.
I am able to load these same polygons into another program and they work properly. I've saved the files to my Google Drive and it can be linked below.
Anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong. I've gotten other shapefiles to show in QGIS with no real issues previously. I'm very new to QGIS.
Extent: (0.000000, 0.000000) - (33.036383, 33.036383)
, from the correctedExtent: (-115.675374, 33.030347) - (-115.671647, 33.036383)
. As said, you can correct the data with ogr2ogr.