I will receive TIFF files with the associated TFW. I always thought that these would open correctly in Arc. When I check the spatial reference on the TIFF it states undefined. So I try to add it myself, it doesn't take. I have a work around, I bring the TIFF into arc, right click and I can export with the correct projection(From dataframe) and it works.
I receive these TIFFs and TFWs from companies that use a lot of CAD software. Why would someone send TIFFs with no spatial reference and TFW files? I'm not saying you all would no that but why wouldn't the TFW work, because no spatial reference. The files come in via a zip drive is there some way that the spatial reference would be removed or if someone sends me a TIFF with the spatial reference via a zip it should stay?
I know my question is all over but I can't see all companies being wrong and sending a TIFF, with a TFW but the TIFF has no spatial reference and nothing opens. So I am thinking its more human error on my part.