To start, I should mention that I'm hoping to solve this using Network Analyst and (if I have to) Microsoft Access. I am also a poor programmer - my knowledge of python is limited at best.
I have a dataset that contains somewhere around 20 000 individual origins and 130 individual destinations. Each of the origins has a number of products (measured by volume) delivered to any number of destinations (let's say an average of 5 destinations for each origin). Each product is shipped on its own truck to a single destination.
The problem I'm trying to solve is which roads have the most volume travel over them.
The first solution I thought of was route solver; I would have to iterate using some sort of crazy field identifier, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do it. I need to add an origin as a stop, then add the corresponding destination as a stop, then run... etc. So my first problem is I'm not sure how to set that up to iterate properly (I can't picture the table to lay it out properly unless I make ~ 100 000 different tables!)
What I'm looking for is some way of determining the number of times each route is traveled - if I could link volumes to the lines somehow and then sum the volume by line segment, I could map the most used routes.
In a perfect world, each line segment along the route would link to a volume and I could use access to calculate the sums. Then import it back to ArcMap and categorize by values to display a map where the most used roads are thick and the rarely used roads are thin.
Chris W. ( did answer a very similar question here: Summing multiple routes using ArcGIS Network Analyst?, but I'll be honest - even though the process makes sense, the details are still escaping me.
Update: I've had a coworker suggest that I might be looking at this the wrong way. He suggested I look at it as a flow problem rather than a network problem. I'll update again later if a solution presents itself.