I have data on N deposition in the US, which can be found in a .tif
file from a zipped directory, which can be accessed here: nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/maplib/grids/2006/TotalN_dep_2006.zip
I loaded the data into R using the raster
r <- raster('/path/to/dep_totalN_2006.tif')
I then have some coordinates for which I would like to extract values from the raster. Here are 6 sites for testing, in dput format:
test.dat <- structure(list(latitude = c(46.414597, 46.137664, 42.258794,
44.287538, 46.567187, 46.205438), longitude = c(-86.030373, -85.990492,
-85.847991, -85.806588, -87.954285, -87.481934)), .Names = c("latitude",
"longitude"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 6L))
> test.dat
latitude longitude
1 46.41460 -86.03037
2 46.13766 -85.99049
3 42.25879 -85.84799
4 44.28754 -85.80659
5 46.56719 -87.95428
6 46.20544 -87.48193
Generally, extracting data is pretty straightforward from this point on. I would grab data from the layer for these point using something like this:
points <- cbind(test.dat$longitude,test.dat$latitude)
test.dat$out <- extract(r, points)
This doesn't work however. It does not error, it just produces a vector of NA values. I can plot the raster layer, which gives a clue to whats going wrong:
Clearly the x/y coordinates of the raster layer are not in latitude/longitude, and I expect this is why my extract
command fails to extract any data from the layer for my list of points. Apologies if this is very basic and has been answered elsewhere, but my searching hasn't yielded a simple answer that came across clearly. I'm experienced with R, but very light on my use of spatial data within R. How can I accurately project the raster file, r
such that my call to extract
generates the appropriate values for my sites within test.dat
based on their latitude/longitude?