I have a geojson layer named mapLayers and another geojson layer named lmiCounties, with a dropdown list with an item with the id lmiCounties. I want the second layer added to the first, which has already been added to the map when a user clicks on this item, and I want to do this with a function since I will have several layers/list items. The click capture is fine, its just that layer[0] (lmiCounties) does not associate with the actual lmiCounties geoJson layer. Seems like I am missing something simple here.

var lmiCounties = L.geoJson('some data');

document.getElementById('chooser').addEventListener("click", function(e) {
  layer = [e.target.id];

2 Answers 2


the variable layer will contain the e.target.id which is not a layer, I presume you have a table named layer somewhere and you want to get the layer with the index e.target.id

to do so:

var index=e.target.id;

If this is actually what you want to make

  • Well sort of...I have several L.geoJson layers, and just want to add them to the L.geoJson mapLayers layer based on a value/id of the clicked element. I want to do something like this example but cant get it to work.
    – Malcolm
    Commented Jul 13, 2016 at 15:39
  • that example isn't working but I get what you want to do, you can add all your layers and then toggle their visibility with : yourMap.removeLayer(layer[index]); or yourMap.addLayer(layer[index]); Commented Jul 13, 2016 at 15:46
  • I guess I'm not understanding. I'm working on a fiddle to see what's going on. In the example I gave above he captures the leaflet layer using the string value given to the input box with layerClicked = window[event.target.value], however when I replace his value with my layer name, it is undefined.
    – Malcolm
    Commented Jul 13, 2016 at 16:15

The layer that is to be toggled needs to be a global variable, thus making it available to the window[ ] object see here. I was creating the layer inside a function. I simply created the empty variables at the beginning of the script and it works.

document.getElementById('chooser').addEventListener("click", function(e) {
  layer = window[e.target.id];
  console.log(layer._leaflet_id);//to check if it is capturing the map layer

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